CHILDREN have lit up their school to thank unsung heroes for looking after Covid patients.

St Mary's Catholic Primary School in Middlewich will be switching on twinkling lights every Thursday to honour NHS frontline workers.

Headteacher Janet McKinlay said: "Instead of clapping we thought it would be a lovely idea if everyone put back their Christmas icicles and lights on their houses.

"It would be a lovely community gesture to show solidarity for our frontline workers and bring back some of that Christmas cheer in the winter months.

Northwich Guardian:

St Mary's Catholic Primary School is switching lights on every Thursday to thank frontline workers

"If I was a nurse driving to work and suddenly saw everyone's lights on I would feel mightily encouraged and supported."

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Teachers at St Mary's are doing everything they can to support pupils learning remotely at home.

"We have put a huge amount of research and planning into providing blended learning,"said Mrs McKinlay. "Teachers give maths and English lessons in the morning. Lots of free resources and worksheets are available online.

"We don't want parents panicking and feeling guilty. We are happy with the effort they are making to engage and complete the work.

"We have received some lovely messages from parents thanking us."

One mum said: "I just want to pass on my thanks for the amazing work school are doing to keep learning going during this lockdown.

"The online sessions for the morning welcome and worship, maths and English are excellent. Both my children have settled easily and are producing some excellent work with their ongoing guidance. They are also benefitting from seeing and hearing their classmates on screen.

"The provision has given me such relief and peace of mind. I would have felt awful leaving them to get on with their set work for the day whilst I am working from home. I’m also pleased they have the afternoon to get on with work mostly away from screens.

"A huge thank you from our family to the St Mary’s family to your ongoing efforts."