SPEEDING motorists are being warned to slow down as part of an ongoing road safety campaign.

Cheshire Police has joined forces with residents in Middlewich to try and stop drivers putting lives at risk.

PCSO Lauren Taylor monitored traffic in St Michael's Way with an integrated laser speed gun and digital video camera.

The sophisticated speed enforcement tool recorded some drivers travelling too fast.

Northwich Guardian:

PCSO Lauren Taylor monitors the speed of motorists in St Michael's Way

A police spokesman said: "Although most drivers were adhering to the 30mph speed limit, a number of vehicles were found to be exceeding it unfortunately."

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This speed check came just days after members Warmingham Lane Community Speed Watch carried out an hour long covert surveillance and recorded 51 vehicles breaking the speed limit.

Anxious residents fear someone could be seriously injured if drivers continue to break the law.

The latest crackdown on speeding motorists was welcomed on social media by local residents.

Russell Cooper said: "Well done. Far too many speeding along this road."

Residents named other areas where drivers exceed the speed limit, including Holmes Chapel Road, King Street, Chester Road, Nantwich Road and the dual carriageway.