HAVING BEEN saddled with a further 350 houses to be built in Winsford, making the total now 3,500 to be built by 2030, is not good news.

Presumably in an attempt to sugar the pill, Clr Burns said that Winsford had already built 1,280 houses of its target since 2010.

This statement by Clr Burns is wholly untrue and is extremely misleading, especially for the residents concerned about where all these houses are going to be built.

As the report points out, Guardian, September 25, the houses we have to build in Winsford is an increase of 28 per cent of the current housing stock.

Northwich’s increase is limited to 21 per cent and Chester has only to build an extra 15 per cent of new houses.

Have there been any complaints about this blatant unfairness in the housing allocation from the Cheshire West Councillors representing Winsford?

I am afraid not.

Malcolm Gaskill