WITH regards to your columnist, The Fly In The Ointment, July 31, saying Middlewich is in the wrong place.

True, things might have been better if we had remained in Vale Royal in the first place. So what has changed? Not a lot. 

Middlewich is still the Cinderella of the borough remaining at the edge of the ‘new super improved borough’.

Now let me see, if I look out to the west is it that there is greener grass and fruit laden trees? Has the lens on my telescope clouded over? Well if we were in Cheshire West we would be as far from Chester as we are from Macclesfield.

Would Middlewich First have any more say in West Cheshire than it does now in Cheshire East?

Your columnist says we have nothing in common with East Cheshire – well we are all in the former county council borough of Cheshire.

Lots of people from Middlewich work in Cheshire East such as at Bentley in Crewe etc.

Lots of people work in Cheshire West too, with Middlewich being devoid of jobs in recent years.

Cheshire West apparently has gone around the borough replacing street signs that were marked with the former Vale Royal logo.

Probably what should have been better is for Cheshire County Council to have continued along with the local town councils, and boroughs such as Congleton to be dissolved, as splitting into Cheshire West and East could not have really been cost effective.

Let’s not alienate our fellow East Cheshire residents because re-merger with Cheshire West might be financially costly, to what end, and remember that politically at present we have an excellent proactive MP in the form of Fiona Bruce.

Perhaps as residents of Middlewich we should all shout louder at the people running Cheshire East and not throw the baby out with the bathwater.

Maybe a campaign should be aimed at unifying Cheshire as I read in the Guardian that the joining of Cheshire West and the Wirral is in the offing!