I HAVE just read the article in the Guardian, July 24, about the dangerous road system on Newton Bank and I totally agree with Mr Langley on the dangers of the one-way system.

I have lived on Newton Bank for more than 11 years with my husband and our family and have, on occasion, seen cars travelling up the one way system the wrong way.

I have even chased cars up the road worried that they would cause an accident due to other vehicles speeding around the corner at the top as they would never have time to stop.

My parents also visited one weekend and as they went to drive home and turn the corner around the Golden Lion they were met with the headlights of someone travelling the wrong way, luckily both cars managed to stop in time.

On a recent trip to Lidl, I witnessed three cars going the wrong way towards the cemetery, how they got there I really cannot figure out.

Recently, I started working at the Country Kitchen on the Golden Lion car park, I see all the traffic travelling down (and up) Newton Bank and have seen cars going the wrong way at least once, sometimes twice a week.

Obviously if there is not a problem, as the council claims, then this would not be happening so frequently.

If the council are not going to do anything about the signs then maybe put a speed camera down Newton Bank then if motorists are travelling the wrong way, the oncoming traffic may not be travelling so fast.

A better design for the Morrison’s entrance and exit may improve the traffic flow as well.

Finally, my husband and I had a chuckle over the ‘finger post’ signs, we have never seen such a big waste of money.

R STANTON Newton Bank Middlewich