THE quality of care at the nursery and day care centre Sunrise @Over has been lauded by education regulator Ofsted.

Ofsted carried out an inspection on February 21, and after being impressed with its findings, gave a ‘Good’ rating.

Inspector Mary Henderson said in her report: “Staff spend time with the children and are warm and caring towards them. This helps children to develop strong emotional attachments, to behave well and to develop relationships with other children around them. Staff provide children with meaningful praise throughout the day.

“Staff organise the areas well so that children's needs and interests are supported. They foster children's communication skills by using questioning techniques and engaging with them during activities. Toddlers become excited as they explore using their senses, moving the small-world animals through a tray of crunchy cornflakes.

“All children's interest in books is fostered well as they turn the pages and listen to stories. They are growing in confidence and are well supported to be ready for their move on to school. All children, including those receiving early education funding, are making good progress in their learning and development.”

The nursery, based at Over Hall Community School, has 110 children on its roll and has 25 members of childcare staff.

During her inspection, Ms Henderson observed the quality of teaching during activities and assessed the impact on children, she held meetings with the manager and senior members, and spoke to parents.