A NORTHWICH sixth form is throwing open its door to prospective students this week.

St Nicholas Catholic High School, which is the highest non-selective school in Cheshire, will open its sixth form facilities on October 3, from 6pm.

It will showcase the wide variety of subjects available at key stage five, as well as the vast range of extracurricular activities the centre offers including field trips, student committees and charity work.

Subject demonstrations will also be available, giving prospective students and parents the chance to see what sixth form life will be like should they choose St Nick’s.

Newly appointed head boy Ronce Saputil and head girl Emma Nasralla will be at the front of house on Thursday evening to greet visitors.

The 17-year-olds, who are the school’s first ever head boy and girl, were given the prestigious roles last week after being selected from a shortlist of prefects.

Biology, chemistry and English language student Emma said: “We’re really the face of the school. We are part of the student council so we help staff and students to get the things they need.”

Ronce, who hopes to study medicine at university after completing his A-levels in biology, chemistry and physics, added: “We bridge the gap between the student body and staff.”

The Guardian met with Year 12 and Year 13 students, who previously studied at the high school, on Thursday to talk about the upcoming open evening.

They spoke of how ‘close-knit’ the sixth form is and encouraged others to become part of the ‘family’.

16-year-old Amy Barker, from Knutsford, chose to go to a different college but returned to the Greenbank Lane site after just two days.

“I went to a different sixth form college because it was closer but it was so different. I understand that you get a bit of freedom in colleges but you don’t get the same level of support that you get here and as soon as I came back, all of the teachers were really supportive and helpful – I felt like I had never left.

“There are a lot of opportunities for students here when it comes to applying to university.”

As well as taking part in numerous extracurricular activities, sixth form students also have the chance to help those in lower years.

Assistant head Inma Pena said: “They are a real credit to the school and to themselves and you get a real sense of how close they are when you enter the common room.

“They really are like a big family.”

The open day starts at 6pm on Thursday, October 3. For more information, call 01606 706000 or visit st-nicholas.cheshire.sch.uk