I READPaul Koller’s letter in the Guardian, August 18, and was concerned to note his claims that he ‘emailed all the Liberal Democrat Councillors except for Bev Theron’ and did not receive any reply.

This is incorrect.

As the Liberal Democrat leader I responded to his email the next day, June 1, on behalf of my party and the other councillors.

I also copied my email to Clr Charlie Parkinson as he is the Liberal Democrat representative appointed by CWAC to the local liaison committee for the new academy, in order that he could raise Mr Koller’s concerns with the E-Act management team.

I have copied this to the editor of the Guardian and I trust in the interests of clarity and accuracy that he will print a correction in the paper.

You are correct in stating that Clr Bev Theron did not have an email address at the end of May.

Following his election to the town council, there was a delay in broadband being installed at his home address.

Bev’s email address is now up and running and he can be contacted on btheron@winsford.gov.uk.

MALCOLM GASKILL Leader of the Liberal Democrat Group Cheshire West and Chester Council