HAVING discussed it with my wife we have decided we should ignore the offensive and threatening anonymous letters I received before the General Election, as that would be giving in to these cowards. It would also be remiss of me not to point out that many of the things I foretold before the election are now coming to fruition, namely cuts in benefits and loss of jobs.

Yes, I know we needed to make cuts but do your readers really believe the real Labour Party would cut benefits to pensioners? Do they think they would hit the working class while leaving the bankers and their cronies still living high on the hog?

It now appears that the winter fuel allowance is under threat as is the free bus travel for pensioners. The free bus travel helps in the fight against global warming. My wife and I regularly use the bus at the moment and leave our car at home, as do many pensioners. Just goes to show that the present Government only believes in global warming if it brings in revenue, not when it costs them money!

It is the same with the cancelling of free swimming for the over 60s. It helped keep many of us fit and kept us out of the arms of the NHS. I myself am now receiving treatment for a bad hip (osteoarthritis) because I can no longer afford to go to the baths four times a week and I am sure I am not alone.

Even the policies they promised to their party faithful such as cancelling the Human Rights Act have been reneged on, just to stay in power. They know the Lib Dems would never stand for it.

As for our debt being over £100 billion, that is simply a lie, we own nearly that much in bank shares purchased by the Brown Government. We may not be able to cash in those shares just yet but they are still collateral against any debts we have.

If we want to make big cuts why not cancel the useless Trident programme, you can never use nuclear weapons. Get the troops back from Afghanistan, tax the bankers until they squeak and, oh yes, withdraw from the Human Rights Act – that should save us millions alone. Our courts are more than capable of ruling on points of law without asking for foreign assistance.

Enjoy your coalition government, as with any diverse committee it will produce not a fine racehorse but a camel.

ALAN LOWE Melchett Crescent, Rudheath