Well, it is almost certain that Boris Johnson is to become our next Prime Minister, and now he has to prepare for setting up his new front bench, probably with the exclusion of hard-core Remainers. But his main concern will be to honour his promises, firstly on getting us out of the EU, but then funding his other promises.

More police, more money for the disabled and the NHS, an end to austerity and the myriad of other things that need paying for. But he surely has a way out.

That lumbering big, mainly unwanted white elephant and vanity project, called HS2, the estimate for the savings when it is dumped amounts to at least £50 billion and probably well in excess of that, just with the stroke of a prime ministerial pen.

Not only leaving billions for the promises already made, but to include an updating of the shocking state of the present railway system.

I predict a reasonably straightforward exit from the EU and the Remainers’ calls for another referendum are just flying in the wind – and will probably bring down the Labour Party.

The Remainers have just lost their main allegation that Boris was lying about the £350m savings posted on his bus before the referendum. The next few weeks are going to be interesting.

Paul Hurley
