I AM in complete agreement with Cllr Sam Naylor that the formerlynamed Mid-Cheshire College facilities are much needed in the Northwich area.

As Cllr Naylor points out, Cheshire West and Chester Council poured £1 million into the splendid new arts building, new sports hall and theatre only six years ago.

In the meantime, the huge new estates have ensured many more families coming to live in the area, therefore the college campus should be retained for future, as well as existing, students and its value to the local community.

Moreover, its present site on the campus is easily accessible, both to local people and those travelling by bus or by train.

Where I profoundly disagree is with Cllr Naylor’s acceptance that these buildings are to be demolished, which is a deplorable waste of taxpayers’ money, as well as the grave loss of the excellent facilities they have been providing for students and the general public.

Who will authorise planning consent for this to happen? Will CWAC not prevent such an appalling action?

Meanwhile, CWAC exhorts us to recycle diligently our bottles, papers and all manner of recyclable waste, which we willingly do.

It is up to the council to set us a good example by ensuring that the college buildings should be ‘recycled’ too, by using them for their original and much-needed purpose, to benefit of the whole community, at the same time preventing further waste of hardpressed taxpayers’ money.

Mrs T Parker Hartford