RESTORATION has come just in the nick of time for an historical centrepiece in Weaverham.

The clock tower of St Mary’s Church, on Church Street, was installed in 1826 and is still wound by hand every week.

But, while the clock mechanism is in superb condition, the dial on the outside of the 15th century church tower is in need of vital renovation.

Peter Wilkinson, one of two men who regularly wind the clock, said: “The clock dial was last restored about 40 years ago and is showing the effects of all the weather over that time.

“I’m sure it will look brilliant as it catches the sunlight and will enhance the appearance of the Grade I listed church and the conservation area.”

The work will be carried out on site this week by expert clockmakers, JB Joyce and Co, of Whitchurch, and includes cleaning and repainting the 5ft diameter dial and bringing the gold leaf numerals back to their former glory.

The restoration costs £2,000 and has been funded by Weaverham Parish Council, Cheshire West and Chester council (CWAC), Weaverham Trust and the Weaverham History Society.

A statement from Weaverham CWAC councillors Lynn Riley, Ralph Oultram and Alan McKie, said: “We are extremely privileged to represent Weaverham as part of our ward, its such a beautiful village and the clock such an essential community facility and part of village life.

Mr Wilkinson added: “Many villagers rely upon the church clock to know the time of day and many comment how much they appreciate the sound of the clock striking the hours.

“It has been wonderful that the project has been so well supported by our local councils and village organisations.”

The restoration work was due to be completed in time for the church’s annual garden on Saturday.