CHESHIRE East Council is offering residents the opportunity to discover new ways of saving energy in the home.

As part of national Energy Saving Week, the theme for this year is waste and will concentrate on how consumers are wasting money, energy and time through bad home habits.

Cheshire East Council officers will be at Sandbach market from 10am to 3pm on Thursday October 22, promoting computer power-down devices, which allow computers to shut-down automatically when unused, and offering advice and information on how to reduce energy wastage.

Energy Saving Trust experts will also be on hand to provide advice on saving energy both in the home and on the move.

Crewe councillor David Brickhill said: “National Energy Saving week is a perfect opportunity to inform residents of what they can do to lower their own energy usage, even simple things like turning lights off when you leave a room can make a big difference.

“Cheshire East officers and Energy Saving Trust experts will be available to share ideas and tips with people on an individual basis dependent on their family’s needs, which will allow them to make savings on their utility bills.”