SOME 80 newly-appointed teachers working across Cheshire East attended a welcome conference at Tatton Park last week.

The delegates, from primary, secondary and special schools in the area, heard about opportunities to develop professionally.

One of the new teachers, Juliet Kelsall from St Mary’s Primary School in Crewe, said: “I really welcomed the chance to meet new colleagues from across Cheshire East and the opportunity to find out about the professional development available to me.

"I shall certainly look to take up the Masters qualification as soon as possible.”

Head of Children’s Services, Lorraine Butcher, warmly welcomed the new teachers to the authority and wished them well in their first year of teaching.

Roger Williams from the Training and Development Agency for Schools shared the detail of the new Masters in Teaching and Learning.

He was supported by Andy Jones from Manchester Metropolitan University who explained how these teachers were the first group to be offered this opportunity.