PLANS to transform the site of former pub which has been rotting for more than a decade have taken a step forward.

Outline proposals for 12 apartments and four bungalows at the old Black Greyhound hotel site in Wincham were given the green light back in 2018.

Since that time, the Hall Lane site, which has suffered from fire damage and vandalism, has continued to deteriorate and has even been visited by urban explorers, who revealed the level of decay inside.

Now, a reserved matters application, relating to the site's layout and design, has been approved by Cheshire West and Chester Council.

In a report, recommending approval, a council officer said: "The site is in a state of disrepair, with its deterioration due to a previous fire and lack of occupation.

"The scheme has been amended as part of the application process to address initial concerns with the layout of the proposal.

Northwich Guardian: Inside the Black Greyhound pubInside the Black Greyhound pub (Image: OMG Exploring)

"Further amendments also took place following legal matters arising from the highway buffer that surrounds the site.

"This results in a smaller overall site, with existing planting in the highway buffer remaining unaffected.

"The site is a relatively prominent corner site, where there are existing buildings, and the redevelopment of the site has been accepted by virtue of the outline consent.

"The scheme as revised includes a three-storey building accommodating flats and while this will be a relatively high building, it makes efficient use of the site and, in the context of the wider area and proposed tree-lined site, the building will sit well within its surroundings.

"Given that the scheme is a reserved matters application replacing an existing large built form it is considered that the scale of the replacement dwelling as proposed is acceptable."

Northwich Guardian: The former barThe former bar (Image: OMG Exploring)

In a covering letter, submitted as part of the application by Emery Planning on behalf of the applicants, it says: "The application proposes residential development for a total of 16 units, comprising 12 apartments and four bungalows.

"The proposed site layout accords with that approved at the outline stage, utilising the footprint of the existing built form on site.

"The submitted site layout plan indicates tree planting along the site’s south and western boundaries with the highway, with an area of public open space beyond.

"Further tree planting is also proposed to enclose the private amenity space for the planned bungalows on site.

"The proposed apartment building would provide accommodation over three storeys, providing a total of 12 two-bedroom apartments. The proposed bungalows, to be sited to the north of the apartment building, would comprise four two-bedroom units."

Northwich Guardian: Further decay inside the Black GreyhoundFurther decay inside the Black Greyhound (Image: OMG Exploring)

The plans indicate there would be parking provision for 24 total cars for occupants of the apartmen building, with each bungalows benefitting from two parking spaces.

To view the plans, search reference 21/02795/REM on the council's omline planning portal.