A PRIMARY school in Winsford has raised more than £155 for NSPCC by 'dressing up for digits'.

Darnhall Primary School supported the charity's Number Day 2022, which involved a fun-filled day of maths activities and games, while raising money to support services such as Childline.

Northwich Guardian: Lucas, Noah and Freddie (Year 1)Lucas, Noah and Freddie (Year 1)

A spokesperson for the Sandyhill Road school said: "The children and staff dressed up for the occasion by wearing themed t-shirts and headdresses with numbers, shapes or patterns on them.

"We took part in an array of fun and exciting mathematical-themed activities and cross-curricular learning from nursery to year six.

Northwich Guardian: Priya (Year 6)Priya (Year 6)

"The children from year two to six were buzzing and battled it out using Times Table Rock Stars to compete rapid times table calculations against each other online."