A MUCH-LOVED lollipop lady who has looked after children for 20 years has been showered with gifts.

Mum-of-three Marie Barnett has been helping pupils cross the road outside Darnhall Primary School since 2001.

Marie said: "I started this job as a stepping stone to getting back into work while my children were growing.

“Twenty years later I am still here. This little job of mine is now a big part of my life and routine and I have no plans for retirement just yet.

“ I love being part of Darnhall school. They are supportive and caring, not just to pupils and staff but as a whole community.

“I would like to thank that community for the trust that they put in me to keep everyone safe."

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Marie's three children Amanda-Marie, 29, Kieran, 27 and Adam, 24, were all pupils at the school.

Headteacher Sarah Tomlinson said: “Twenty years ago the fabulous Marie Barnett began work as a lollipop lady on Darnhall School Lane and she is still helping children and families cross safely today.

“She is a wonderful, kind lady who is very much part of the Darnhall school community. She is a welcoming face that greets children every day and we are so lucky to have her.

“To thank her for her service we have given her a bouquet, a lollipop lady themed cake and pictures and messages from the children."