AN appeal for volunteers to help with the Covid vaccination programme in Northwich has been inundated with offers of help.

Kingsmead Parish Council asked local residents if they could assist with patients attending a new clinic.

Kingsmead Medical Centre had requested volunteers to usher patients to be vaccinated in and out of the building and carry out temperature checks.

No clinical experience is necessary just the ability to give up some time,  be on your feet and wear warm clothing.

Lara Jacob, temporary clerk at Kingsmead Parish Council, said: "We were overwhelmed by the response. People were getting in touch as soon as the message was sent out.

"The people of Kingsmead are amazing, they always pull together as a community. It is moving as they always say 'yes, we'll be there'. I am very proud of them.

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"We have people of all ages, men and women, more than we needed but I have passed on all the names as these clinics will probably carry on for a while."

The Covid vaccination programme for Northwich patients started in Kingsmead at 8am on Wednesday and continues for three days until 8pm tomorrow, Friday.