YOUNG footballers have donated a huge quantity of toys to families in need this Christmas.

Winsford Diamonds Football Club challenged every team to complete 570km, the distance from Winsford to Wembley and back to beat lockdown blues.

The youngsters smashed their target and raised more than £2,000 through a JustGiving page.

The teams donated £1,000 to Winsford Community Grocery and bought a colossal amount of toys with the rest of the money and gave them to the Salvation Army.

Northwich Guardian:

Matilda Mitchell, five, who plays for Winsford Diamonds Wildcats and brother Charlie, 10, who belongs to Winsford Diamonds Athletics under 11s

Kelly Mitchell, from Winsford Diamonds, said: "Jean Craven from the Salvation Army was moved to tears when she saw how many toys we had, she was so pleased.

"We were able to give her something for every age group. The gifts included games, scooters, roller blades, dolls, make-up, toiletries, footballs, activity tables and all sorts of other things.

"There were so many gifts we couldn't get them around the tree, they hardly fit through the door."

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Compass Minerals also donated £300 towards the toys.

Northwich Guardian:

Winsford Diamonds were thrilled to be able to donate so many toys

Jo Conchie from Winsford Community Grocery, said: "A huge thank you to all the amazing children that took part in the fundraiser. The money will help us to provide food for those in need and reduce food waste. Well done everybody. You were all fantastic."

Kelly said: "It gives the children a reality check and makes them realise that not everyone is as fortunate as them. It was a challenge to raise money but nice for them to see the other side. Giving something back to the community does make a difference to someone's Christmas."