WINSFORD Academy year 11 students have been advised to stay at home today after one pupil tested positive for coronavirus.

Principal Gary Evans confirmed to the Guardian that he has written to all parents and carers advising them to keep their children in isolation.

Work and lessons will continue to be provided online by staff.

In a letter, Mr Evans told parents: 'I was informed that one of our year 11 has had a positive Covid-19 diagnosis. The student will be isolating for 10 days.

"I am waiting for advice from the Health Protection Team regarding who we should isolate. While we are waiting for this advice I have chosen to take the following actions.

Northwich Guardian:

Gary Evans, principal of Winsford Academy has taken the cautious step to ask the entire year 11 bubble to remain at home

"All students in year 11 need to isolate at home. I apologise for any inconvenience.

"Staff will use Microsoft Teams to provide work for students working from home. It is essential that students engage in these live lessons and other work if possible. Staff will then be able to register a student's attendance at live lessons."

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Mr Evans and staff are now working with the Health Protection Team to identify close contacts of the student who has tested positive with coronavirus.

"This may allow us to ask a smaller group of students to continue to isolate and to then bring others back to school next week," said Mr Evans.

"In the absence of such advice, we are choosing to be very cautious by asking the entire year 11 bubble to remain at home.

"This case highlights the importance of all members of the Winsford community adhering to the Covid safety regulations that we all need to follow."

Mr Evans will keep parents and carers informed.