FAST food giant McDonald's has been given permission to install several new digital signs despite a resident claiming they already feel like "goldfish in a bowl viewed by diners".

McDonald's requested permission to erect four digital freestanding signs displaying menu options and a digital booth screen for drive thru customers.

One Somerford Road resident submitted an objection arguing the signage would only heighten the already over the top advertisements in place.

The comment from Mr Pearce added: "The hedge screening the site opposite our house has been dramatically lowered and requires urgent replacement with trees planted.

"We feel like goldfish in a bowl viewed by diners in the restaurant."

However, the application was recommended for approval by council planners and was subsequently granted under delegated powers.

A report by officer Katie Whitney said: "The proposed signage, by reason of its location, size and design is considered to result in an acceptable form of advertisement, and subject to imposing the standard advertisement conditions, is considered appropriate in this location."