THIS is the last in the three-part look at the Over Prophet Robert Nixon, and it’s time to look at his demise. But first two more of his many prophecies.

Nixon made a few prophecies about Vale Royal in the days when Vale Royal Abbey was one of the biggest in Europe.

Northwich Guardian:

He once said to one of the monks from the abbey: “When you the harrow come on high, soon a raven’s nest shall be.” Translation – The last abbot was called John Hareware, and after the dissolution of the monasteries, the abbey was given by Henry VIII to Sir Thomas Holcroft upon whose crest of arms was a raven.

PART ONE:The incredible story of the Winsford Over ‘prophet’ Robert Nixon

Finally, Nixon once said that Norton and Vale Royal abbeys would meet on Acton Bridge.

Stones from both abbeys were later used in the building of Acton stone bridge.

Northwich Guardian:

On one occasion Robert Nixon predicted both that he would meet the king and also his death by suffocation.

His fame was such at the time that three days later a messenger arrived and told the people of Over that the king had summoned him. When he was presented to the king, the king asked him about a lost ring of great value.

Nixon replied: “He who hideth it can find it.”

The king was very impressed as he had hidden it on purpose.

Northwich Guardian:

As a result, Nixon was granted the freedom of the palace kitchens. After a while, Nixon went back to his old ways and started to gorge on the food, including that prepared for the royal table.

The staff were very annoyed. So much so that after a few weeks, one of the king’s guards locked him in a cupboard.

Unfortunately for Nixon, the guard was called out on an urgent mission.

PART TWO: The Over prophet Robert Nixon gains credence

In his haste, he forgot about our hero in the cupboard, and when running down a flight of steps, he slipped, hit his head and died.

The kitchen staff not liking Nixon said nothing, and when a few weeks later the king sent for him, he could not be found.

Eventually, he was discovered in the cupboard.

As he had predicted, he had died of suffocation.