WINSFORD’S Brunner Guildhall opens its doors on Friday to a very important visitor with a family connection to the building.

Sir Hugo Brunner, whose greatgrandfather Sir John Tomlinson Brunner gave the building to Winsford in 1899 is in town as the guest of mayor Cllr Gina Lewis.

“It’s a great honour to welcome Sir Hugo to Winsford,” said Cllr Lewis. “The building that bears his family name is one of Winsford’s finest historic buildings and the town council is delighted that Sir Hugo is coming to see it.”

Sir Hugo, the former Lord Lieutenant of Oxfordshire, will be given a guided tour of the Guildhall and will learn about the plans for the building’s restoration.

Winsford town clerk Mark Bailey said: "“Winsford Town Council is in the final stages of compiling a detailed report on the building, following a lengthy public consultation process that began in April.

“The council has been working closely with historic building consultants, who have drawn up provisional plans for how the building could be restored and used.

"We’ve had excellent feedback from people and groups we’ve approached, and their ideas have helped us with the report.

“We’ll be able to talk to Sir Hugo about the building’s future and it will be interesting to hear what his thoughts are on how his great-grandfather’s gift to Winsford can be enjoyed by future generations.”