I HAVE read with interest your entry in the local Guardian regarding plans for a care block for adults.

I am very disappointed, along with many other residents on the Springbank estate that without the slightest consideration or knowledge of the present occupiers that these plans are as advanced as they currently are.

At election times you seem to find the time to call on us and ask for our support, but once elected we see or hear nothing from you.

Have you considered the access and egress of further traffic using the estate and the impact this will have on Springbank, Bowmere Drive, Latham Street and Well Street junction of High Street?

To say that we attended at cw@ chester at the Drumber to talk about the possibility of closing the walkway from St George’s Road on the Springbank estate as this is being used for drug use and underage drinking, look at it now – no different.

All you did was repair the lighting and get a warden to check it randomly for about one month then he was seen no more, and the problem is still here today.

P W Parry Address supplied