PUPILS at Grange Community Primary School took part in the Step into the NHS pilot scheme for primary schools.

During the course, as part of the school's personal, social, health and emotional lessons, Year 5 pupils learned about the history of the NHS, what jobs are available, how many different roles they would come into contact with during a hospital visit, how technology has changed the NHS, and they also thought about their own skills.

They finished by designing a poster to celebrate the 70th birthday of the NHS.

Following this, the school welcomed the Cheshire Career and Engagement Hub to deliver an NHS workshop, which recapped on everything the pupils had learned and then discussed the different NHS services and where to go depending on their need.

Children then dressed up in various uniforms of NHS staff, completed a workbook about what a medical emergency is and then designed bunting for the 70th birthday with a rhyme about where to go if you have an emergency.

Annette Williams, executive head teacher, said: "Here at Grange we are doing all we can to expose our children to the world of work, and have greatly appreciated the support of the Winsford Education Partnership with this. Working in partnership to raise pupils' aspirations for the future and supporting children to believe that the sky is the limit."