WINSFORD’S Over Allotments opened its gates to the town’s ‘secret garden’ on Saturday.

The annual open day at the allotments in Moss Bank saw crowds gather throughout the day before town mayor Cllr Mike Kennedy presented awards for best allotments.

“Winsford residents did us proud,” said Mike Allen, chair of Over Allotments Association.

“Many stayed for several hours enjoying the atmosphere. Ben Booth, Winsford’s new town crier, put his skills to good use, especially with announcements during the snail racing.

“Thank you to everyone who came, and to everyone who gave their time to help us put on the event. See you all again next year.”

The prestigious Dempster Challenge Cup, awarded by Winsford Town Council to the best-kept allotment plot, went to Fran and Graham Johnson.

The Dempster Cup has been awarded annually since 1926, and the mayoress, Hilary Kennedy, who accompanied Cllr Kennedy, is the granddaughter of the cup’s first winner, Joseph Bratt.

The Mayor’s Shield for Best Scarecrow went to St Chad’s Primary School, for their Princess Leia scarecrow, which will stand watch at the Moss Bank plots with other Star Wars scarecrows for the following year.

A trophy for best plot at the recently established Wharton Allotments was awarded for the first time and went to Karen Weedall.

Named the Warburton Cup, in honour of Alan Warburton, town clerk of Winsford until his retirement in 2016.